
“If It’s the Beaches” cover

Hello to all…

Wow. Has it really been almost 10 months since I last blogged? Well daggum! I might start doing it again soon. I kinda miss it. Oh well. Who knows.

Anyways, I was just gonna share a little bit about the song im putting up online for a free download.

First of all, it’s an Avett Brother’s song called “If It’s the Beaches” off their first EP called “The Gleam”. It’s an incredible song that has really impacted me in a good way. Not only me but in my girl friend, Meghan, and I’s relationship. It’s a story of love and how one would do anything and everything for the other. Like how the song says,

“…if it’s the beaches sands you want, than you will have them. If it’s the mountain’s bending rivers, then you will have them. If it’s the wish to run away, then I will grant it. Take whatever you think of, while I go gas up the truck. Pack the old love letters up. We will read them when we forget why we left here.”

Sorry for the full quote. I just freakin love that verse. It means a whole lot to me and for Meghan.

So when Meghan and I’s 6 month anniversary thing arrived about 3 months ago, I decided to record 4 of the songs that have the most meaning in our relationship and this song is definitely one of them. I wanted it to be as raw as possible. I recorded without a metronome. Without auto tune (obviously, if you heard it). And without cutting and pasting tracks. I recorded the vocals and the acoustic guitar on one track and all on one take. Same with the banjo. All one take. During the bridge of the song, I actually physically get up from my chair while playing and walk to the other side of my room while the banjo moves closer to the mic. I think it turned out the exact way I wanted it to. And the best part about it is that Meghan loved it! YES! That was the ultimate goal.

But I say all that to say this. Here’s the link to the free download of “If It’s the Beaches” cover:



Welp, anyways. I hope that you guys like it and it would be great if you told me your thoughts! And if you’d like, you can share it with errbody! Thanks!

joe brim

so let’s here it for murder, huh?
February 3, 2009, 8:21 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

So the other night I went with some friends to see a band that I’ve really fallen in love with named Fiction Family. The band was formed by Jon foreman (lead singer of switchfoot) and sean watkins (nickel creek). It’s an amazing mix jon foreman’s solo stuff and nickel creek’s bluegrass feel. By the way, jon foreman is definitely the most influential writer in my lifetime. He’s just really awesome. Plain and simple.

I can’t remember the last time I’ve felt so creatively challenged after watching a show. I’m thinking it’s just the right timing for a show like this because I have a new found love for folk/bluegrass music. I can’t get enough of it. The way folk writers write is so simple and yet so amazing. sean watkins explained that most bluegrass songs are about a love that dies before you finally get marry them. So then he proceeds to share a song that he describes as the modern day bluegrass song. It ends up being a Weezer song by the name of “Pink Triangle.”

After the show I went to talk to jon and to get him to sign my cd. I told him that I met him before at Catalyst Conference and he toootalllyyy remembered me. It made my night. And he told me that next time he’s in town, we should get pizza or something. It was awesome. I hope it works out. I’m not getting my hopes up, but it would be awesome. But anyways, it was just an amazing show and I can’t wait to see them again.

here are some pictures and video I put up on youtube:

Betrayal– this is where i got the title for this blog by the way.

War In My Blood

Resurrect Me– jon grabbed some kanye style glasses from a guy in the crowd for this song. pretty funny.

We’re Fiction Family“- the most awkward and funny thing that happened at the show.

what’s the best concert that you’ve been to?


top 5 most influential bands.
January 18, 2009, 3:34 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

welp, i barely made my deadline. in my last post i stated that one of my new years resolutions were to blog more often. and so i want to try doing it once a week. i barely made it this week.

but just for kicks and giggles, im going to compile a list of influential bands in my lifetime with the use of 3 different catagories: childhood (elementary shool-middle school), high school, and after high school (aka this past year). so with out further to do, here we go.

CHILDHOOD (elementary school and middle school):

top 5 influential bands:

1) third day- for the cd, “time”.  that cd owned me in elementary school.

2) dc talk- they were the first to introduce me to good harmonies. the song “in the light” was awesome.

3) nirvana- my sister, rachele, introduced me to nirvana for the first time. “in bloom” was my favorite back then.

4) incubus- another band my sister introduced me to. “wish you were here” was one of the first songs i learned to play and sing.

5) switchfoot- “the beautiful letdown” was an awesome album. “meant to live” introduced me to drop d tuning and ive never been the same.

honorable mention: dave matthews band


top 5 influential bands:

1) manchester orchestra- they just made music that i connected with. it challenged me creativly, in the way i write, and in my faith.

2) jimmy eat world- they are my favorite band of all time. the relationship that both guitars have in the songs are unmatched. “clarity” is my favorite cd of all time. and 99% of their stuff is in drop d and i love drop d tuning.

3) david crowder band- all of dcb’s cds are amazing. especially “collision”. the song “rescue is coming” changed the way i wrote woship music. i can’t tell you how many times ive had awesome woship experiences while driving alone in my car, listening to them.

4) foo fighters- 2 words. dave grohl.

5) phil wickham- he just revolutionized the way i thought about woship music. i remember the first thing i thought when i heard his first cd, “this is the future of what woship music will sound like. this is awesome.”

honorable mentions: brand new, hillsong united

AFTER HIGH SCHOOL (aka this past year):

top 5 influential bands:

1) jon foreman- he single handedly transformed the way i wrote lyrics. one of my favorie writers. his 4 ep’s owned me for a long time.

2) the avett brothers- they helped me realize my love for bluegrass/folk/indie music. their harmonies are so good

3) john mark mcmillan- he’s the perfect blend of folk, rock, and coldplay. his lyrics are so amazing. his newest album “the medicine” still dominates me.

4) phil wickham- “cannons” blew my mind. just listen to it and you’ll understand. he has some of the greatest vocals of our time.

5) coldplay- ok now 3 words….viva…la…..vida.

honorable mentions: death cab for cutie, manchester orchestra, charlie hall, cold war kids.

welp, there ya go. how about you guys give me some lists of your own? or just any thoughts in general?

just do it. you know you want to.

thanks guys!


a new year blog.
January 6, 2009, 1:23 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

well hello 2009.

i have made a couple of new years resolutions. one being to be a healthier being. I’m promising to eat less fast food and more natural foods.

It’s weird. At one point, I couldn’t think of anything better than two juicy double cheeseburgers (with no pickle and no onion), a small fry, and a small doctor pepper. But nowadays, the thought of the $4.30 meal makes me want to puke. I might as well just be drinking a cup of grease. But yet sometimes the moment calls for some fast food. But for the most part I want to stay away from it.

Another resolution is to blog more. I’m thinking that doing it once a week will get me in the habit of writing more blogs. Cause I dig the whole blogging thing.
So there we go. A few of my new years resolutions.

I think that 2009 will be the most interesting and exciting year of my life.


welp, here i am.
December 10, 2008, 6:31 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

ok. here it goes. blogging.

i’ve had this blog forever and i’ve planned some actual blog posts out so i can come out with a bang. i’ve actually made a video blog to put up on this site. but i just never get around to do it because i’m not happy with what i’ve been coming up with. so i just put it off for some other time….. and it never gets done.

so…. it just dawned (thanks pope….i feel like an idiot. it made me laugh) on me. at 1:27am that i should just do it. don’t think about it. just do it. so here i am.

it’s simple. sweet. and to the point.

and my point being that i’m going to start blogging. so be on the look out.

this should get interesting….
